About Batik

Contemporary batik combines a variety of fabric painting methods. The major principle is the “reserve technique” , where selected areas on the picture are brushed by wax before the paint is applied. The waxed areas become impermeable for the paint and retain their original color, creating a fine pattern.

Batik has been both art and craft for centuries. Patterns of cloth with batik were found in different parts of the world including ancient Sumer, Peru, Egypt, Japan, Sri Lanka and Indochina. The origin of the art is most likely the Indonesian island Java. The original art of Javanese Batik is more than just a painting technique; it is a part of sacred tradition and is used as a charm against evil spirits.

Contemporary Batik is markedly different from the traditional Javanese art and combines features of aquarelle, pastel, graphical arts, vitrage and mosaic. The art of Batik is very intricate and subtle.

To make a “cold Batik” , the artist first brushes a transparent reserving substance over a silk cloth stretched and pinned on a special frame. Cold Batik is a laborious technique, but the pictures are very delicate and expressive. It is important to keep pictures in cold Batik away from moisture.

Russian artist,batik art,contemporary batik,contemporary art,batik.